« Simon Says Stamp All the Joy Release: Bottle Brush Tree Dies | Main | Simon Says Stamp "All the Joy" Release: Festive Bouquets Stamp Set »

November 03, 2023


Sandra Smith

Beautiful. That ornament card is my favorite.


Great cards! Love those bottle trees!

Ann H

Love the jewel tones on the ornament card, so fun!

Carol Perry

Oh those ornaments are gorgeous! Terrific cards. TFS

Lynn Chan

Love that princess stamp set! beautiful ornaments

Linda Price

Such unexpected and interesting colors for Christmas. I may give them a go. Thank you for sharing.

Carol Doggett

Love the color choices on both the ornament card and tree card!! But Snow White is amazing!

Lisa P OConnell

Love the cards! Bottle brush trees are the best! thank you for sharing!

Janet O Minnick

I absolutely adore those bottle brush trees! Gimme. Gimme.

Skyelar shade

Love the bottle brush trees. And the fancy ornaments remind me of the vintage ornaments I have that are family heirlooms.

Kim M Jacobs

How beautiful. Love the non trad colors!


Those trees are fabulous! Wonderful cards.

Kathy Fink

So creative and colorful

Merrill P

Those baubles are so pretty.

Marilyn Fisher

What a beautiful and imaginative card. At first I thought you had cut the ornaments from shimmer cardstock. The blending and ink colors are so beautiful and the silver gel pen adds the perfect embellishment!


The ornaments are gorgeous! Perfectly rich colors. Thank you for the embossing tip.

Lori  Spitzer

Hi, Suzy!
Your bottle brush trees card is what made me buy that die set!!! I love, love, love it and THOSE ORNAMENTS / BAUBLES!! Wow, are they ever gorgeous! How DO you do it? Always winners from Suzy's blog! TFS!!
Lori S in PA

Celeste Goff

I love all of your gorgeous products! This all makes me want to get my Christmas tree up early!


I love your cards! Gorgeous color combinations! Magnificent! Splendid! Thank you and happy holidays.

Kris Pagenkopf

Beautiful cards. I wasn't sure how to use that folder.

Monica F

Vibrant colors - very classy

Kay Furnish

Wow, that Fancy Ornaments card is amazing! I struggle with coloring embossing folder panels, but after seeing this one I'm going to try and try again! Thanks for sharing.

Suzanne L.

What a great embossing folder! I love the card you made. So beautiful.

Nancy La,

Beautiful, fancy card. So pretty!

Joyace Feheley

Fantastic cards! I love the ornaments. Thank you so much.

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