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June 27, 2020


Laura Budke

Love all the colors. Missing the ocean and hope to get these stamps from the release soon. Thank you.


Wow, beautiful cards and a lot of inspiration 😊💕

Kimberly Cole

So these are the best examples of thoe suzies cards, ill be doing that! Thank you!!

Sabrina Radican

WOW!!!! Your cards are so breathtakingly beautiful!!!

Susan Richter

Wow - you were busy! Such an amazing selection of cards. I love the fairy in front of the birch columns die. Such a creative use of that die and I have that one so YAY! :D I also am kinda partial your crab watercolour card. I AM a Cancerian after all!

Wanda S Radler

I love all of your coloring and I love your monthly watercolor cards and all the tips - keep them coming!

Sherri Little

Love the sample overload. Lots of great cards!

Gayle M

These are amazing cards!! I love your gnomes the most! Thank you for sharing these with us.

Meghan Kennihan

My jaw is on the floor! your coloring is just outstanding!

Linda M.

Wow! Your cards are amazing!

Penny Klie

Beautiful coloring and I love this set of cards. Thanks for the tips/techniques for coloring. This is a great release by SSS!

Barbara Martin

Your cards are always beautiful, but these are colored so beautifully as well. You bring gorgeous up a level!

Megan Niergarth

You have been busy, Suzy! Fabulous coloring. FYI, I tried to follow the link to see what kind of watercolor markers you used, but the link was broken.

Tami B

You always go above & beyond on these release hops. Thank you again for sharing so many wonderful cards! The gnomes made me snicker & the flowers & fairies in the 2nd photo are all so pretty, and of course, your coloring is alway enjoyed.

Miesje Flach

My goodness - you have been busy and each card is perfect! I love seeing your posts!

Andre M.

Your colouring is so eye catching. I always appreciate you showing multiple ideas for using a set. Thanks for the inspiration and the tips and tricks.

Rose Johnson

Your coloring is out of this world - have you ever created videos? Would sign up asap!!


What wonderful vibrant cards. Your colouring is terrific and your tips are so helpful. Thank you.

Jana Yeager

These gnomes are just adorable and you colored them up so perfectly!

Debbie Titus

Your cards are stunning.

Barbara Lassiter

Love all of these and especially the sea inspired cards. Thanks for the tips on using the watercolor markers. They will help me when I'm trying out a recent purchase of Faber-Castell watercolor markers.

Lauryne Cunningham

Your coloring is amazing! It would be awesome to watch you color! Love all of your cards!

Toni Kwaiser

I love these! You are very talented. Gorgeous coloring!

Lisa Byers

I love your cards, so beautifully colored!! Your new watercolor cards are going in my big stack of Suzy cards!!

Lara Read

So stunning!! What incredible detail! Thank you !

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