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November 07, 2012


Miriam Prantner

Love the house and so great to hear that you are making progress!


So happy to hear you're improving!

Cindy Tobey

Love your latest PL pages and I'm SO glad to hear you are improving Suzy! xo


So glad you're improving, Suzy! :) I like seeing all your PL pages... Sometimes I get confused at which PL weeks you've shared though! ;P


Your pages are pure happiness! And improving is pure awesomeness! You are an inspiration... you give me faith that good karma does work. ;-)


Great pages! So glad you're doing better.

Liz Elliott

Cute pages-wish I knew how to do PL. You will need to teach me! And so glad to hear you are a little better!

Elizabeth Gardner

Love it! & so glad you are feeling a little more normal----or what's normal-ish for you anyway!


Thanks for the update on your health. I have been wandering.

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