« Jul 2, 2012 | Main | Happy Fourth of July! »

July 03, 2012



Best news ever!!!! Not to be greedy, but I think I'll keep up the prayers for a while longer... can never have too much love from the big guy above.

I, also, think your wonderful attitude had something to do with it as well... oh, and that awesome family of yours. Very happy over here... very!

Kim Watson

Oh I am so very grateful you are A-OK sweet friend and recovering fast! 'Cos you & I still have some serious CHA hallways to march up & down. So I'm with Domenico.... still praying. When you are up to Facetime...pls let me know. I've missed our yakking times & we have some catching up to do. Luv you!

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Vad spännande att läsa detta inlägg! I år kommer verkligen att vara en mycket minnesvärd födelsedag. Congrats on your * vackra * hem och önskar dig många, många år har det fyllt med glädje och kärlek. :-)


I read your blog everyday, and i'm so happy to read that everything is ok.
A kiss from Paris!!


Have been following your progress and routing for you. Such good news!!! Enjoy your holiday and heres to a continued positive recovery. I am sure you have a lot of people like myself you have followed you and your work for a long time and we all are pulling for you!

Liz Elliott

Suzy, so thankful yesterday was a good, good day! That's the best news I've had in a long, long time! Also thankful that your symptoms are not as bad as they could be. Will continue to pray earnestly for this outcome to continue. Happy 4th! Miss you a ton...

Cheryl Zietz

Such wonderful news! You are surrounded by a thoughtful, loving family which has to do so much for healing. Your daughters sure take after you with their amazing artwork!
I will continue to pray for your recovery.


So glad one of my favorite sparklers is feeling a-ok! Happy 4th of July!

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Monster Beats

Hope you will write more.

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