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October 12, 2011



What fun! I think you enjoyed the field trip more than Chloe's entire class. Good times!

Lisa VanderVeen

LOL I adore these. Esp. the zebra. And I have no idea what those animals are doing in that other shot...

Cindy Tobey

Great photos Suzy! Looks like a fun day!


you need to go to the wild animal park one day when it cools down a bit... you can seriously go picture-crazy there! beautiful shots... sarah enjoyed the polar bears! :)


I love your animals, too. Koala is really a favorite. He (She?)is so sweet. The baby giraffe is darling. The word for giraffe in Swahili is Twiga (tweega) which I think is such a great word. I don't know what that Yak-like guy really is, but he looks like he is enjoying himself, with that sly little smile of his. Thank you for being a chaperone and sharing the photos. I hope you spent some time watching kids watching animals. As a teacher, I've witnessed a lot of zoo-like behaviors from kids imitating animals. Funny!

Sally Goodwin

Love your photos, I only hope one day I will be able to take some photos as good as these, they are fantastic, what camera do you own btw?


those pictures were delightful! I am sure you will make a cool page with them, hope you post it when you do! I LOVE giraffes, that baby is so cute! thanks for sharing :)


I love when you post zoo pictures. just love them! You are so funny and I actually chuckled out loud with your last pic- too funny!
It is a GREAT thing you are own their design team. Because now we get AC, SC, CP and SP (you) all in one package..woooo hoooo!

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