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June 03, 2011


Frl. Pilzrausch

Dear Suzy,
i started missing you!

Cause I love your wonderful LO´s and your kind of art! It´s so sweet and it makes me smile!

Thank you for comming back, hope i will see more... :)

Loveley Greetins from Germany (i hope you can understand my english :)...)
the Fräulein Pilzrausch


Love the layouts - such happy colors!


i love your bright, fun, whimsical style!

Stacy Cohen

These layouts are DARLING!!! The bright, happy colors put a smile on my face. I'm sorry we couldn't join you all that day.


So glad your back, miss you when your gone for so long. Glad you have been scrapping though. These are gorgeous layouts, the colors are bright and fun. Can't wait to see more.

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