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February 13, 2011



Love your page Suzy! I just got my SC kit in the mail Friday and love the rainbow paper but I am a little stumped as to what to do with it...I love how you used it! I also love your title "eleventeen"...my daughter turned 11 last month and feels it's a "boring" age, she says 10 is cool because it's a two digit number and 12 is great because it's preteen, but 11 is boring...I'll mention eleventeen to her and see what she thinks...thanks for sharing your page! Sophie is a doll, by the way :)


I love this, wonderful colors, the title, everything works so nice together. Lovely photo of Sophie. Happy Valentines Day!!

Keshet Shenkar

Welcome to SC! Isn't it a fun kit?

Liz Elliott

Love this layout and the girl on it! Good job Suzy! Liz

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