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January 11, 2011


Keshet Shenkar

I'll also be at CHA--hopefully I'll get to meet you there!


Suzy, you really do look like your mom!! Same big smile! What a beautiful photo to treasure. My mom passed away when I was nine, and all I have left are pictures too. I don't remember anything about her except for little things like birthdays or an outing to the beach. Your journaling brought tears, how lucky you are to have your aunt in your life now. Loved your Christmas photo, your son is a picture of you!

Sandra A

Suzy, thank you so much for posting this layout of your birth mom. It's beautiful, as are all your layouts. My mom just passed away on Dec 19th, and I know using your layout as a guide to the many things I want to remember about her is just what I need. I don't feel quite ready to do it, but with your layout, at least I don't have to figure out the design.


How special is this?! This is a WONDERFUL layout, what a special memory to have and preserve for yourself and your family. I'll be at CHA too! I sure hope i see you! :)

Megan Hoeppner

Can't wait to see you soon, Q! And, as you know, I love this layout and the feature!



I love that you did a layout about your mom. How special is that and so creative to hide the journaling that way. That's great that you get to bond with your aunt and you both have a fun,humorous side. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Those are great family photos, the second one is my favorite, looks so cool with the color of it.

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