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December 30, 2010



These are so beautiful, to pretty to be opened. I wish wrapping and tagging came that easy for me but it's never happened. You seriously outdid yourself on these, these gifts should just be empty pretty boxes under the tree for everyone to stare at and admire. I'll let you wrap mine next year, haha. Have a Happy New Year Suzy.

Rene' Sharp

Wow Suzy, each and every tag is a little work of art!!!


Wow Suzy, those are so pretty, love each tag, would love to get a gift from you...hee,hee! Love the rose ribbon on those packages. HOpe you had a nice holiday, I am actually sad it's over, I love all the stuff that Christmas brings, don't like the credit card bills though...


I am a color freak, and I'm loving your photos. It makes me want to start my holiday decorating all over again just to use these colors. Nah, just kidding. Happy New Year, Suzy.

scrappy jessi

Hey Doll
"Happy New Year!"
Have a Fab 2011!

lizzy kartchner

wahoooo! these are so festive!! you are awesome.
LOve dear lizzy products. ;)

mzt pills

no aspect consequences found during the course ,that is my 2nd box,results are like the assessments say, and consequence is sweet far too.

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