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June 09, 2010


Ashley Harris

Seriously Suzy, that made me tired reading that! Whew! What a busy, crazy life you lead!


So very normal :)


You crack me up! Well, I'm surely praying that this is normal because it sounds just like my life (maybe that is why I am laughing so hard at you right now) and I am really hoping I am normal too! Oh joy, oh happy day!

Krista Nash

Totally normal! Thanks for sharing.


Totally NORMAL - glad to hear I am not the only one running like a chicken without a head. My friends (the ones without kids) usually tell me they get tire just listening to my list of things to accomplish in one day! BTW - add an 8hr workday to my list....

Keshet Shenkar

You're a busy lady! And seriously, who WOULD want to be an OC housewife? Fun to watch, but I wouldn't want to be unable to turn it off!

Lisa VanderVeen

My favorite was "Wash rocks." ;).


This was so funny to read and tiring. I think all of us moms have days/weeks/months that are like this. It's crazy but wouldn't trade it for anything.

Megan Hoeppner

Pee? Really? Did you list that you peed in your run-down? LOL Girl, what would this world be without you? Love ya! Thanks for the much needed laugh!

amanda fuentes

Sounds exhausting but totally normal these days. LOL at the RHOC wanna-be. I watch that crazy show but I'm SERIOUS when I say its to see California and not those crazy women!

Jessica R

whoo! Sounds all too familiar! Glad I came across your blog!


Uh, in a word? I'd have to say, "no." Nothing about you is normal my friend! ;-)


Sounds about right.


Oh, thank God, it's not just me.

coach purses

See what Abundance is; love yourself for what it is, not what you’re missing, or what that can be better, but for what it is at this present moment.

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