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October 28, 2009



what are these layout things you speak of??? i think i remember hearing about something like that back in the day... and surprisingly, i have all of that same pretty paper and buttons and letters and stuff. so THAT'S what you're supposed to do with all that stuff.... ;)

super cute layouts as always. i'm so glad you are feeling better. i've been worried about you. great time yesterday, as usual! it should be illegal to laugh that hard! :D


Cute LO's as always oh scrap genius ! I want to go to Hawaii today!(LO number 3 made me think of that) I love that circle one too!
Now that you are feeling human again, you can bring me some soup when I have the swine flu, you soda swapping girl!!


So glad you're feeling better, Suzy! :)

cindy tobey

I'm so glad you are better Suzy and I LOVE all 3 layouts!

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