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August 25, 2008


Kristi Smith

These are so cute Suzy, love the birdhouse below too. That is still my favorite HG line!

That video cracks me up. I think your face adds to the humor of it! ;)


Such a fun project! You really know how to work that ribbon both on the floor and on the chipboard!


OMG, Suzy...if they aren't the cutest ever! You are so super creative, my friend!

angie delarie

Okay love those girls how cute ??
And ur face in that video heheh!!


Oh Suzy! I love these - they are adorable!!! And I think it would have been hilarious to have made your eyes crossed like in the video..heehee! Love it!

Tran Quach

That is soooo stinkin' cute!!! :-)


Love the dolls!!! Cute video too! Too funny!


Geez Suzy! Those are pretty amazing for a kids' craft. How awesome!

Cute video! I love that he used your cross-eyed photo.

Katie Watson

Those are SO stinkin cute! How fun for your girls to get to craft and create with you...next time tell me..and I'll stick my girls on the train and send them on their merry little way to your house for "crafting with Suzy" hour!!

PaperCutting Kind of Day

Your creations are just plain ADORABLE!!! Love what you came up with.


lol this is so a fun project.


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