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November 25, 2007



I really appreciate your openness! This was kind of a rough Thanksgiving for my family (my grandma passed away two months ago), so I've been a bit down this week. I needed to read this. Thanks for sharing.


Hi Suzy,

We need a holiday like Thanksgiving to make us sit back and think of all our many blessings! You my friend are blessed and I am blessed to call you my friend! Love the pics! Enjoy your week! Hugs!


well said!
love reading your blog! :)


Happy Thanksgiving, Miss Suzy! :) XO XO

Kristi Smith

So glad to see a new blog entry from you. Very well written blog about your feelings. I am thankful that we are friends, although I miss you lately!!! I did receive my Flip, Spin, and Play book I ordered and was excited to see all the layouts you had in there!!! They looked great. You are so talented . . . gotta be thankful for that. I hope you are feeling better!

Great photos!

Barb Stewart

This is my first time reading your blog and I've really been enjoying it! (I found you via Rachel Denbow's blog.)
As I was reading the most recent post, I was almost relieved to find out that I am not the only person on earth that suffers from severe vertigo. I know exactly how you were feeling and you're absolutely right, it's a very scary thing to have happen. I have an appointment with a Chiropractic doctor who specializes in inner ear disorders. He was a referral from a friend so I'm praying that he really knows his stuff! I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better now!
Thank-you for the inspirational reading in your blog! Have a wonderful holiday season!


What a touching post Suzy! You have so much to be thankful for and you did a great job putting it all into words. Glad no more vertigo. I too am sad the older kids are back in school. It is so quiet this week.


Had to write again after seeing Jan's CK! Cripes, girlie - you rocked it out...and out...and um, out! WOW! So happy for you!


I got my CK too!!! Congrats . . . great layouts!!!

Suzy + Scrapbooking = Superstar

lol . . . I'm such a dork.


I knew you did something- I saw all the people from your blog going to my blog today. Sweet that you mentioned me- and you know I adore you!
I wanted to share with you- about your vertigo. When I had my stroke I had it for 1 year. NO you will not- I just want you to know- it will go away...promise!!!
There is some things that HELPED me- lay down and rest. Do not attempt any house cleaning, sudden movements, bending, etc. I'm serious- it can make the vertigo worse!!!
I think we are given these trials to help us appreciate what we have. I am sorry, you have this- but it will get better soon.
Sending you prayers to get better!!!!
love ya Teresa

Amber Baley

Hey Suzy! Just followed a link to your blog from another one and found my way here. So sorry to hear about your health issues and terribly sorry about your miscarriage. But I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for you. I think of you all the time and was so happy to see you post on our site! I'll have to add you to my favorites so I can visit you more often!


Hey Suzy, just thought I'd drop by... Good for you to express your feelings about things... it always helps me a lot when I'm having to deal with difficult situations. People can support you better when they know what's going on... So sorry to hear about your miscarriage... that's so sad. {{{HUGS}}} coming your way...


That's such a heartfelt post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reminding us all to appreciate what we have. Happy Holidays!

Tracey Locher

You are a very special person, Suzy! I'm thankful to be able to count you among my friends. Great post! You are VERY blessed! :-)

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