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November 19, 2007



I think I know what your good friend Jamie wants for Christmas ;) You inspire me!!!!

Meredith Taylor

Oh I can't wait to see this when it comes out! Congrats on another book! You are so amazing. I love the page too... so jealous! I really really want to take a class!


Congratulations on the book! Can't wait for the release date!

Love that photo of all of you too... =D

Kristi Smith

Congrats Suzy!!! Can't wait to see it. I guess I will be waiting until 2009, hope I am still around!=)

That Christmas album of yours looks great!!! Love it. Cute to have your card at the end of the album too!

I misses your kisses . . . I, er, uh . . . mean your e-mails.


YOU GO GIRL!!! Wow congratulations on another book. You rock! Love the LO and love that photo! =) Have a GREAT day Suzy!


beautiful book!!!!
congrats on the book. it sounds like a best seller. can't wait to see it!!!!!!
love T


I am ALLLL over your new book! LOOOOOOOOOOVED your dino layout in January CK!! You just totally rock!!

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